's pretty lonely at times (especially now) when you leave the group. That's why most stay with it even when it isn't making sense to them.
Right now with the covid19 distancing everyone is feeling a lot like what you're feeling but at least they know they can go back to their regular life once it's over.
In regard to your life vs death feelings, you're not the first person to feel that way nor, unfortunately will you be the last. You are in emotional pain and it's natural for you to want it to stop. Like most people you really want to live but you want the pain to stop and you don't have the skills YET to know how to go about it.
What you're going through now is kind of like physical exercise, you can't get stronger until you go through the pain and strain. No one can do it for you but they can encourage you to keep going and help you remember that everything is difficult before it becomes easy.
It may be helpful to stop looking back on how things were in your old life and comparing them to how things are now. It's too soon for that. We tend to look back on things and remember them better than what they really were. At the same time it may be helpful not to look to far into the future into the unknown. Right now odds are you won't be able to come up with anything hopeful about the future right now because there are too many unknowns. Looking too far into the future will make you feel worried and hopeless.
Try to stay in the moment as much as possible and trust that if you put one foot in front of the other and keep your nose pointed toward the things you want and your mind off of the things you don't want, you will get where you want to be.
Get a notebook and when you catch yourself worrying or ruminating on negative thoughts, write them down and write out a few possible solutions and two or three things you can do tomorrow to move you closer to where you want to be. Put the notebook aside and resist thinking about those things and find comfort in the fact that you have a plan for tomorrow, no matter how small it may seem.
It's good that you reached out to us here, most of us have been where you are at some point and have make it through to the other side.
Be patient with your self through this and try to remember that even though it feels like it, your life isn't an emergency. You are not responsible for having all of the answers all of the time. Happiness isn't like a bus stop that you arrive at one day and there you are. It comes in moments and hours and stretches of time both short and long. The more you're able to roll with the punches and adjust to change, the more of it you'll experience.
This is a weird time in history with all that's going on so your struggle is extra difficult right now. There are professional services out there who are now more than ever making themselves available by phone or internet to those who find themselves struggling. Take advantage of them. Keep talking and reaching out. Be helpful to others, reach out to someone in need. Often when we help someone else, we are benefited most. Avoid watching the news....go on a news fast. Make sure to get outside and take a walk for an hour each day so that you can gain a little perspective on life. Keep checking in here and let us know what's going on or ask for advice about specific areas you need help with.
You can stand just about anything if you take it an hour at a time.